Cyprus Academic Dialogue (CAD) Press Bulletin

28 June 2011

The Cyprus Academic Dialogue (CAD) held a series of workshops at RODON Hotel on June 25, 2011, on “What should be done towards a united federal Cyprus. Forty five academics and intellectuals from both sides of the divide participated in the process. The ideas produced through all day deliberations were announced at an open Conference held by the CAD at Ledra Palace on Sunday, 26 June 2011, where keynote speakers were Turkey’s former Foreign Minister, Yasar Yakis, and former Government Spokesman of the Republic of Cyprus, Michalis Papapetrou.

In its declaration, the CAD calls upon Turkey and the two communities of Cyprus to jointly undertake, as goodwill gesture, immediate demilitarization of a ten-kilometre wide area all along the buffer zone, and Turkey, in particular, to substantially reduce its military presence on the island.

The CAD further calls upon the two sides in Cyprus to remove all provocative signs and symbols from all places, accept the opening of Varosha, the Famagusta Port, and the Tymbou (Ercan) Airport under EU authority, restore all cultural and religious places to competent authorities (Church, Evkaf, etc.), open new crossing points, include civil society in the peace process, and take into consideration humanitarian criteria, public interest, and the possibility of interaction on the property issue, in accordance with the CAD relevant proposals.

Furthermore, the CAD declaration calls upon the Greek Cypriot side to de-link actions that involve cooperation of different bodies from the recognition issue, accept a timeframe for reaching a settlement preferably not exceeding May 2012, accept the fact that not all refugees will return and that not all mainland settlers will leave, moderate its stance on the guarantee issue by accepting gradual elimination, promote bi-linguality, encourage joint business ventures, and accept that any benefits form natural gas resources around the island would be shared by both communities.

The Turkish Cypriot side is called upon to cooperate with Turkey in order to stop the demographic transformation of the north, accept the EU as a guarantor power for the United Federal Cyprus, abolish visa requirements at the crossing points, restore old place names in the north, stop any unilateral action against the political unity of Cyprus and accept reunification on the basis of the principles included in the high level agreements as well as the UN resolutions, and in view of solution prospects, declare a moratorium, until the referendum in May 2012, on any new development on Greek-Cypriot properties in the north except equivalent property used by TC citizens of the Republic of Cyprus

Apart from substantially reducing its military presence on the island, Turkey is called upon to accept withdrawing of all its troops within the framework of solution, accept modifying the guarantee system to alleviate Greek-Cypriot fears of unilateral intervention, recognize the existence of a distinct Turkish Cypriot community in the north, and respect the political will, the wishes and demands of Turkish Cypriot civil society.

Moreover, the CAD declaration calls upon the UN to propose a reasonable time-frame for the peace talks preferably not exceeding May 2012, encourage the two sides to commit themselves to what has been agreed so far, convince the two sides to link the territory and the property issues, call for an international conference after substantial convergences are achieved on the territory and the property issues, and, in case peace talks fail, inform Cypriot public opinion and International community about the positions of each side and assign responsibilities.

The CAD also calls upon the EU to become more actively involved in the negotiation process, be ready to undertake responsibility to administer the fenced city of Varosha, the Famagusta port, and Tymbou (Ercan) airport to enable direct trade and transport, encourage the two sides to find a legal formula for the institutional collaboration of all tertiary educational and research institutions, and take into account that suspension of the acquis in the north perpetuates the status quo.

Finally, the CAD declaration puts forth two sets of opportunities and dangers respectively pointing, on the one hand, to the benefits for all parties involved in the event of a settlement, and, on the other hand, to the dangers underlying failure to achieve solution and prolongation of the Cyprus conflict.

Sharing an island: Wednesday, 29/6/2011, Home for Cooperation in the Dead Zone, Nicosia

Film screening, Home for Cooperation, opposite Ledra Pallas, 20.30


Six young Cypriots, three Greek Cypriots and three Turkish Cypriots, who have never met each other before will share a house for five days. Together they will travel across divided Cyprus. They will argue from different perspectives of history, they will share stories of the past and together they will envision the future. Is peace a long way ahead?

Director/Production: Danae Stylianou
Sociologist: Rahme Veziroglu
Content application: Alexandros Lordos
Operator: Stephen Nugent
Sound: Markos Papageorgiou
Editing: Danae Stylianou & Efi Modestou
Music: Trio Tekke, Gommalar, Giorgos Kalogirou, Buray Hossoz, Savvas Houvardas, Eralp Adanir, Evagoras Karagiorgis, Kostas Apokidis

Runtime: 100 min
Language: Greek, Turkish, English
Production Year: 2011

Δικοινοτικοί εορτασμοί 1ης Μαΐου 2001: Πορεία για Λύση, Ειρήνη και Επανένωση. 1 Mayıs 2011, İki toplumlu kutlama: Çözüm, Barış ve Yeniden Birleşme yürüyüşü.

Δικοινοτική Πρωτοβουλία Ειρήνης «Ενωμένη Κύπρος» Bi-communal celebrations of 1st May, 2011 A march for Solution, Peace and Reunification

Είναι  γενικά παραδεχτό ότι οι επόμενοι μήνες θα αποτελέσουν την πιο κρίσιμη περίοδο στις προσπάθειες για επίτευξη Λύσης στο Κυπριακό πρόβλημα βασισμένη σε μια Διζωνική, Δικοινοτική Ομοσπονδία η οποία θα επανενώνει τον τόπο. Παρ’ όλα αυτά παρουσιάζεται και πάλι μια δυστοκία στη διαπραγματευτική διαδικασία που περισσότερο σχετίζεται με τις εκλογές στην Τουρκία.  Η παρατεταμένη αυτή διαδικασία και η απουσία προόδου για αρκετούς τώρα μήνες έχουν διασπείρει την απαισιοδοξία ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους και των δύο κοινοτήτων . Το γεγονός αυτό σε συνάρτηση και με την οικονομική κρίση που έχει επηρεάσει και τις δύο κοινότητες και  την άνοδο στην ανεργία που αυτή έχει προκαλέσει, έχουν δημιουργήσει την κατάλληλη ατμόσφαιρα για την άνοδο του εθνικισμού και του ρατσισμού. Οι εκλογές στον Νότο έχουν εντείνει το αρνητικό περιβάλλον  με κόμματα και υποψηφίους να επιχειρούν να αποκομίσουν οφέλη  από τον εντεινόμενο εθνικισμό και ρατσισμό που θεωρούν ότι  κυριαρχεί πια στην εκλογική βάση. Οι πραγματικότητες  όμως σε  σχέση με το τι έχει επιτευχθεί στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων , ιδιαίτερα κατά την περίοδο Χριστόφια-Ταλάτ, κάθε άλλο παρά αρνητικές είναι.  Έχει επιτευχθεί εντυπωσιακή πρόοδος στα κεφάλαια της Διακυβέρνησης, του Διαμοιρασμού των Εξουσιών, της Οικονομίας και των Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων, ενώ η εργασία που έχει γίνει στο κεφάλαιο του Περιουσιακού και οι εκτενείς προτάσεις που έχουν κατατεθεί στο Τραπέζι των Διαπραγματεύσεων κάνουν εφικτή την προοπτική επίτευξης προόδου . Η δυνατότητα επίτευξης περαιτέρω προόδου δέχεται σκληρή επίθεση από τις δυνάμεις που αντιμάχονται την επίτευξη Λύσης. Παρά το αρνητικό περιβάλλον  οι Τουρκοκύπριοι έχουν επιδείξει ξεχωριστή αντοχή και θέληση να αντιπαλέψουν  τις αρνητικές εξελίξεις.  Οι ιστορικές τους κινητοποιήσεις έχουν δημιουργήσει μια νέα δυναμική και ανανεώνουν την ελπίδα για επανένωση. Είναι επιβεβλημένο όπως στο  κρίσιμο αυτό στάδιο δοθεί στη διαδικασία μια νέα δικοινοτική ώθηση. Οι  εορτασμοί της Πρωτομαγιάς αποτελούν μια μοναδική ευκαιρία για Ελληνοκυπρίους και Τουρκοκυπρίους να διαδηλώσουν την κοινή τους θέληση για την επανένωση της Κύπρου και να αγωνιστούν για να υπάρξουν αποτελέσματα στην παρούσα διαδικασία. Παρ’ όλον ότι δεν έγινε δυνατόν να οργανωθεί ένας  μεγάλος δικοινοτικός εορτασμός της Πρωτομαγιάς,  οι φετινοί εορτασμοί και στις δύο πλευρές θα έχουν ενισχυμένο δικοινοτικό χαρακτήρα. Με την ευκαιρία αυτή η Δικοινοτική Πρωτοβουλία Ειρήνης «Ενωμένη Κύπρος» έχει διαμορφώσει ένα πρόγραμμα δράσης με στόχο να αντιμετωπιστεί η άνοδος του εθνικισμού και ρατσισμού και να ανατηχθεί η  δυναμική για Λύση και Επανένωση:

  1. Ενεργή στήριξη και συμμετοχή στους Πρωτομαγιάτικους εορτασμούς στο Νότο οι οποίοι έχουν ισχυρό δικοινοτικό χαραχτήρα. May celebrations in the South that have. Στους εορτασμούς της ΠΕΟ στη Λευκωσία θα ύπαρξη ισχυρή παρουσία Τουρκοκυπρίων συνδικαλιστών με τον ηγέτη της Dev-Is  να χαιρετίζει την εκδήλωση. Εκπρόσωπος τη  TURKSEN θα χαιρετίσει την εκδήλωση της ΣΕΚ στη Λευκωσία.
  2. Ενεργή στήριξη και συμμετοχή στους Πρωτομαγιάτικους εορτασμούς στο Βορρά που διοργανώνονται το απόγευμα της ίδιας μέρας, με ισχυρή παρουσία Ελληνοκυπριων. Την εκδήλωση στο Βορρά θα χαιρετίσουν εκπρόσωποι της ΠΕΟ και ΣΕΚ.
  3. Διοργάνωση μεγάλης Συναυλίας στις επόμενες βδομάδες για Λύση Τώρα, για Ειρήνη και Επανένωση του τόπου, για μια πολυπολιτισμική Κύπρο χωρίς εθνικούς και κοινωνικούς αποκλεισμούς, ελεύθερη από το ρατσισμό και τη ξενοφοβία.
  4. Ενίσχυση των προσπαθειών, σε συνεργασία με τις τοπικές Επιτροπές Διάνοιξης Οδοφραγμάτων  για την διάνοιξη σημαντικών νέων διόδων, για τη δημιουργία ευκαιριών για τη μετατροπή της Ουδέτερης Ζώνης σε ζώνη συνεργασίας και αλληλοκατανόησης.
  5. Κάλεσμα για ένα συμφωνημένο πλαίσιο επαφών και συνεργασίας μεταξύ όλων των τμημάτων της κοινωνίας με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στη Νεολαία και στην εκπαίδευση και που να επεκτείνεται στο εμπόριο, στις επιχειρήσεις , τον Πολιτισμό κ.λ.π.
  6. Απαίτηση για μείωση στο ήμισυ του αμυντικού προϋπολογισμού και την μείωση των Στρατευμάτων  με στόχο την πλήρη αποστρατικοποίηση.

Διακηρύττουμε την πρόθεση μας για τη διοργάνωση μιας συνεχώς κλιμακούμενης προσπάθειας, κινητοποιώντας όλα τα τμήματα της κοινωνίας και στις δύο πλευρές της διαχωριστικής γραμμής, μέχρι ότου μπορέσουμε να αναδείξουμε τη κοινή θέληση Ελληνοκυπρίων και Τουρκοκυπρίων να οικοδομήσουμε ένα κοινό ειρηνικό μέλλον σε μια Διζωνική, Δικοινοτική Ομοσπονδία. Η μορφή αυτής της Ομοσπονδίας έχει ήδη ουσιαστικά συμφωνηθεί  και δεν είναι δυνατόν η ευκαιρία αυτή να αφεθεί να πάει χαμένη. Τη φορά αυτή Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι θα βαδίσουμε μαζί χέρι με χέρι! Ας πορευτούμε μαζί την μέρα της Πρωτομαγιάς για μια νέα αρχή κοινών αγώνων για Λύση, Ειρήνη και Επανένωση!

Δικοινοτική Πρωτοβουλία Ειρήνης «Ενωμένη Κύπρος» Λευκωσία 28 Απριλίου 2011

İki Toplumlu Barış İnsiyatifi “Birleşik Kıbrıs” 1 Mayıs 2011

İki toplumlu kutlama

Çözüm, Barış ve Yeniden Birleşme yürüyüşü

Ülkemizin yeniden birleştirilmesi ve iki toplumlu, iki bölgeli federasyona dayalı bir çözüm adına,  önümüzdeki ayların Kıbrıs sorununun çözülmesine ilişkin gösterilen çaba açısından kritik süreç olduğu tüm dünya tarafından kabul edilen bir gerçektir. Tüm bunlara rağmen, görüşme süreci, daha çok Türkiye’deki seçim süreci sebebiyle oldukça yavaşlamıştır. Görüşmelerin uzatılması ve birkaç aydır ilerleme kaydedilmemesi, ülkenin her iki tarafında da hayalkırıklığı ve karamsarlığa neden olmuştur. Iki tarafı da etkisi altına alan bu gerçek; ekonomik kriz ve işsizlikteki artış, milliyetçi ve ırkçı güçlerin güç kazanması için oldukça uygun bir ortam hazırlamıştır. Güneydeki seçim süreci, milliyetçilik ve ırkçılık tohumlarını ekmeye çalışan partiler ve adaylar için de bir fırsat olmuştur. Yine de, görüşme masasında elde edilen başarılar, özellikle Talat ve Hristofias döneminde, olumsuzluktan çok daha geridedir. Yönetim ve güç paylaşımı konusunda olağanüstü bir ilerleme kaydedilmiş, mülk meselesindeki ilerleme, ekonomi ve AB ilişkileri, masadaki öneriler ilerlemeyi başarılabilir kılmıştır. Bu konuda daha da ilerleyebilme ihtimali, çözüme karşı duran güçler tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde saldırıya uğramıştır. Negatif atmosfere rağmen,  Kıbrıslı Türkler olağanüstü bir esneklik ve irade göstererek bu duruma karşı mücadele sergilemişlerdir. Tarihsel seferberlikleri, yeniden birleşme adına yeni bir umut doğmasına sebep olmuş, ivme kazandırmıştır. Bu kritik zamanda yeniden bir momentumun sağlanması, iki toplumda canlılık yaratması açısından önemli bir gerekliliktir. 1 Mayıs kutlamaları, Kıbrıslı Türkler ve Kıbrıslı Rumların, adanın yeniden birleştirilmesi ve süregelen sürecin sonuca ulaştırılması için ortak iradelerini ve mücadelelerini ortaya koyabilmeleri adına eşsiz bir fırsattır. Fakat, şimdiye kadar 1 Mayıs kutlamaları için çok büyük iki toplumlu bir etkinlik düzenlenemediği gerçeğinden hareketle, hem kuzeyde, hem de güneyde düzenlenecek olan etkinlikler, iki-toplumlu karakterde gücünü belli edecektir. Bu fırsatı değerlendiren İki toplumlu Barış İnsiyatifi “Birleşik Kıbrıs”ı hedefleyen bir program belirlemiş ve milliyetçilikle ırkçılığa karşı; çözüm ve birleşmeye yönelik etkinlikler dizisi hedeflemiştir:

  1. Güçlü bir iki toplumlu karakteri olan  güneydeki 1 Mayıs kutlamalarına aktif olarak desteklemek ve katılmak. Lefkoşa’da PEO tarafından düzenelecek olan etkinliklerde, DEVİŞ liderinin de konuşma yapacağı, yoğun bir Kıbrıslı Türk katılımı olacaktır. TURKSEN’den bir temsilci de SEK’in Lefkoşa’da düzenleyeceği bir etkinlikte konuşmasını gerçekleştirecektir.
  2. Kuzey’de öğleden sonra gerçekleştirilecek 1 Mayıs kutlamalarına, yoğun bir Kıbrıslı Rum katılımı ile  aktif olarak destek vermek. Kuzeyde gerçekleştirilecek etkinlikte, PEO ve SEK Genel Sekreterleri konuşma yapacaklardır.
  3. Önümüzdeki haftalarda Çözüm, Barış ve yeniden birleşme için büyük bir konser organize ederek çok kültürlü Kıbrıs, milliyetçilikten, ırkçılık ve xenofobiden arınmış bir ada için biraraya gelmek.
  4. Yerel komitelerle işbirliği içerisinde olup, daha fazla sınır kapısının açılması için ortak çalışmalarda bulunulması ve ara bölgenin, işbirliği ve karşılıklı saygı bölgesine dönüştürülmesi adına fırsatlar yaratmak.
  5. Anlaşma yapılan görüşmeler çerçevesinde, toplumun her kesimi ile işbirliği yaparak özellikle gençlik, eğitim ve bunun yanısıra ticaret, kültür konularına da genişleme sağlamak.
  6. Askeri bütçenin yarıya indirilmesi için kampanya başlatmak, askeri birliklerin azaltılarak tam askersiz bir ülke oluşturmak.

Bizler, her iki tarafta bulunan toplumun tüm kesimlerini harekete geçirerek, Kıbrıslı Türk ve Kıbrıslı Rumların açık bir şekilde ortaya koydukları ortak iradeleri ve İki toplumlu, iki bölgeli Federasyon’a dayalı barış dolu bir gelecek inşa edebilmeleri adına, sürekli yükselen eylemler ve kampanyalar düzenleme niyetimizi ortaya koymaktayız.  Bu Federasyonun şekli, hali hazırda esasen kabul edilmiştir ve bu başarının boşuna harcanmasına göz yummayacağız. Şimdi, Kıbrıslı Rumlar ve Kıbrıslı Türkler EL ELE yürüyecekler! Haydi, 1 Mayıs’ta birleşerek yürüyelim, ve Çözüm, Barış ve Yeniden Birleşme için yeni bir devir başlatalım!

“Birleşik Kıbrıs” Barış İnsiyatifi Lefkoşa:  Mayıs 2011

It is universally accepted that the coming months constitute the most critical period in the efforts to achieve a solution of the Cyprus problem based on a bi-communal, bi-zonal  federation that will re-unify the country.  Despite this the negotiation process is again dragging its feet, mostly due to the election process in Turkey. The resulting prolongation of the talks and the absence of progress for a number of months has resulted in pessimism overcoming the common people on both sides of the divide. This fact along with the economic crisis that has affected both sides, with the rise of unemployment, has created the right atmosphere for nationalist and racist forces to gain ground. The election process in the South has further intensified the negative atmosphere with parties and candidates attempting to yield the fruits of nationalism and racism that they consider are governing within the electorate. The realities however regarding the achievements at the negotiation table, mainly during the Talat – Christofias period, are far from negative.  Remarkable progress has been achieved in the chapters of Governance and Power sharing, the Economy and the EU relations whilst the work done on the chapter of Properties and the proposals on the table make progress achievable. The possibility of further progress is fiercely attacked by the forces opposing a solution. Despite the negative atmosphere the Turkish Cypriots have demonstrated remarkable resilience and will to fight back. Their historic mobilizations create the momentum for renewed hope for reunification. It is vital that at this critical juncture the renewed momentum is given a bi-communal impulse. The celebrations of 1st of May  constitute a unique opportunity for Turkish and Greek Cypriots to demonstrate their common will for the reunification of  Cyprus and fight for the current process to yield results. Despite the fact that it has not as yet been possible to organize one big bi-communal event marking the 1st of May celebrations, still the events on both North and South will have a strong bi-communal character. Taking this opportunity the Bi-communal Peace Initiative “United Cyprus” has set out a programme of actions aiming at facing up to the rise of nationalism and racism and building up the momentum for solution and reunification:

  1. Actively support and participate at the 1st May celebrations in the South that have a strong bi-communal character. At the events organized by PEO in Nicosia there will be strong Turkish Cypriot participation with the leader of Dev-Is  addressing the event.  A representative of TURKSEN will address the event organized by SEK in Nicosia.
  2. Actively support and participate  at the 1st May celebrations  in the North organised in the afternoon,  with a strong Greek Cypriot presence. The event in the North will be addressed by the General Secretaries of PEO and SEK.
  3. Organize a big concert in the coming weeks for Solution Now, for Peace and Reunification, for an inclusive, multicultural Cyprus, free from nationalism, racism and xenophobia.
  4. Work with  the local committees for the opening of further checkpoints and to create opportunities to transform the buffer zone into a zone of cooperation and mutual respect.
  5. Call for an agreed framework of contacts and cooperation between all sectors of society with particular reference to youth and education but also extending to business, trade, culture etc.
  6. Campaign for the halving of the military budget and reduction of all the troops leading to full demilitarisation.

We declare our intention to organize a continuously escalating campaign, mobilizing all sectors of society on both sides of the divide until we are able to bring out to the open the common will of Turkish and Greek Cypriots to build a common peaceful future in a Bi-communal Bi-zonal Federation. The form of this Federation is already substantially agreed and we cannot leave this achievement to go in vain. This time, Greek and Turkish Cypriots shall walk Hand in Hand! Let’s all march united  in May the 1st to start a new era of  common action for Solution, Peace and Reunification!

The Bi-communal Peace Initiative “United Cyprus” Nicosia:  May 2011

The Survival Meetings and the Parade of Cynics

The following article by Niyazi Kızılyürek appeared in Yeni Düzen on 13 March 2011. Translated from Turkish by Tim Drayton.

The Survival Meetings and the Parade of Cynics

Niyazi Kızılyürek

Tanıl Bora, in the book entitled The Left, Cynicism and Pragmatism, describes cynicism in its day-to-day sense as “merciless scorn without taking the sensitivities of the situation into account or even for its own sake”। If we were to turn to a more philosophical source and adopt Peter Sloterdijk’s interpretation, he says: “Cynicism is understood to be so-called realism, dirty and course realism,” but actually the cynical person “does this with a feeling of powerlessness in the face of that reality, or more accurately of the power that gives rise to that reality – genuinely believing that nothing can be done, he or she makes do with casting stones and passing comment. The edge of his or her mouth is like a crooked scornful smile; the cynical attitude. This is an extremely objectivist attitude. It is equipped with critical reason but, all in all, on condition of being obedient.”

Bora continues as follows: “There is a very deep feeling of powerlessness at the heart of cynicism। The sense of being faced with a force against which objection cannot be brought to bear makes opposition cynical. Cynicism, which opens the way for the loss of the capacity for subjectivity, limits the potential for the ability to act, for activity and mobilisation, or destroys this potential in its entirety.” In short, cynical attitudes pave the way for powerlessness and political incapacity. You proclaim the thing which overwhelms you to be ‘true’. The cynical person looks on political activity and resistance with sarcastic contempt. They think that no result can be obtained. They create through insinuation a ‘truth’ out of the state of incapacity which engulfs them. The cynical person, having lost, together with their will, the potential to be a subject, embraces conformism. This paves the way towards a pragmatism guided by cynicism, i.e. opportunism.

We have become acquainted with various examples of cynicism in the course of the ‘crisis’ surrounding the 28 January meeting and in the wake of the 2 March meeting। Certain persons confined themselves to making sarcastic comments; others embellished their sarcasm with opportunism. Neither the Turkish Cypriot community’s existential concerns, fight for identity, struggle for dignity and recognition nor demand for peace – the cynical subject sees none of these. Decontextualising everything and overlooking the sensitivities of the situation, they display ‘merciless scorn for its own sake’. Certain persons count the number of Turkish Cypriots’ cars, some calculate their salaries and others speak of their laziness and their being a ‘kept people’.

The Cynical Left-Winger

For example, a cynical left-winger treats opposition to the policies applied by Turkey in Cyprus with demeaning scorn and views all kinds of social reaction in opposition to Turkey as a ‘breakdown’ that needs to be fixed. They say in a scornful manner that “you will achieve nothing”, in other words they imply that “you are not strong enough,” and add, “It will go in one of Turkey’s ears and come out of the other.” Ignoring the fact that this is the very crux of the matter and in a spirit of ‘extreme objectivity’ that decontextualises everything, they sprinkle crumbs of ‘truth’ among their words: “We have no support apart from Turkey. The EU will not look us in the face. The EU does not object to the discrimination practised against us.”
It is no concern of the cynic why and how these circumstances have come about। They have subjected themselves to power and have fabricated their own ‘truth’ so as to obey/turn towards that power: “There must be no tension with Turkey. This is vital … It is the country that gives you 800 million dollars, the country that grants you security – when the Greek Cypriots cut off the electricity Turkey sorted things out – whenever we are in trouble we go to Turkey … You give your friend financial assistance – I will not say your child so as to avoid misunderstanding – and then your friend’s child turns round and swears at you; this is not on… Put yourself in Turkey’s place and think.”

The cynic channels the conformism that arises out of the engulfing sense of incapacity in the face of power into opportunism and demands, so as to curry favour with the authorities, the prosecution of ‘provocateurs who give joy to the enemy’। While defending Ankara they make the UBP government the target of their criticism: “They do not sign and implement the protocol. Criticism should be targeted at the UBP government… It made the agreement. The policy being followed is for the government to get the praise and Turkey the blame.” And they add, “We are so good at passing the blame for our own faults onto others.”

The finely balanced opportunism, despite careful attempts to camouflage it, eventually moves into the realms of the totally ridiculous। The cynical left-winger now scales the very peaks of Turkish nationalism and declares that the Kurds who abandoned the mountains and presented themselves at the Habur Checkpoint are a ‘disgrace’ to the mothers of the fallen. Since to their minds this will please the authorities more than anything else, they draw a parallel between the Turkish Cypriots and the Kurds in terms of being a ‘disgrace’ to Turkey. That is, the cynic removes the problems experienced by both the Turkish Cypriots and the Kurds from their true context and examines events from within ruling-class nationalist ideology.

The Cynical Liberal

A cynical liberal, by contrast, dubs the 2 March meeting a ‘two-faced meeting’। “If a meeting was to be held at all, it should have been against, not the AKP government, but the political parties and trade unions that have brought the TRNC to the brink of bankruptcy and hopelessness. But this could not have happened because it was the trade unions which organised the meeting. Participation came chiefly from all of the political parties with the exception of the ruling UBP. In other words, those who have rifled the country’s treasury, caused every public enterprise without exception to go bankrupt and stripped the state banks of assets are holding a meeting in opposition to those who are endeavouring to rectify the economic disaster that they have caused. (…) It was Cypriot politicians who opened the doors to migrants whom today they basically do not want (and want to get rid of). If the Turkish Cypriots wish to free themselves from the crisis facing them today, they must first and foremost stop holding meetings together with the political parties and trade unions and must grasp that the basic need is to hold meetings in opposition to them.”

The cynic is the master of demanding of his or her interlocutor the very thing that he or she believes cannot be done as a consequence of having vanished as a subject in the face of power। The cynic, taunting, “Go on, let us see you do it,” essentially wishes to ridicule the protesting subject. Implying that the situation cannot be changed in the face of the ruling power, they mock for all they are worth and derive sadistic pleasure from this. This was how Süleyman Demirel reacted to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the question of headscarves: “Is anybody telling you not to abolish it? (…) If you are strong enough, abolish it. If not, stop wandering around like a would-be wrestler.” Tanıl Bora quite rightly quotes these words as an example of ‘superb cynicism’. The liberal cynic in our example veritably strives to outdo Süleyman Demirel in terms of cynicism. They say, “Let them ship the migrants back. Then let them tell Turkey, ‘Do not send any more money or civil servants; we will fry in our own juice.’ Why do they not say this? What is stopping these bloated politicians and trade union bosses?”

It is clear that the cynic decontextualises everything and speaks with merciless scorn। Of course, they speak with the authorities in mind.

The Cynical Greek Cypriot Nationalist

Greek Cypriot nationalists, too, deliberate with cynical comments on the Survival Meetings। Undoubtedly, the cynicism which we encounter here is not a cynicism resulting from the loss of the status of subject in the face of power. What we have here is a cynical attitude deriving from an idea that the Turkish Cypriot community, having been definitively turned into ‘the other’, “will get it wrong whatever it does.” While some of them mock the Turkish Cypriots, “accustomed to being kept”, for wanting ‘more money’ from Turkey, others reproach them for failing to wage an ‘anti-occupation’ struggle. For example, a well-known nationalist said on the radio, “At these meetings, did the Turkish Cypriots say ‘Kyrenia is the Kyrenians’ and Morphou is the Morphians’?’ They did not. So why are we talking about them?”

It is apparent that sarcastic disparagement has here reached its zenith. The cynic, guided by their own ‘truth’, either ignores the Turkish Cypriot communty’s realities, or distorts them.The cynic declares everything which does not conform to their own ‘truth’ to be ‘meaningless’.
The fact is that the Turkish Cypriot community has become the object of both home-grown and externally grown cynical attitudes. Overcoming this will be no easy matter, but is not entirely impossible. As Tanıl Bora has said, the antidote to cynicism is the development of the capacity to be a subject. “To open a conduit for the potential for the ability to act, to seek out that which may be done and to widen the bounds of that which may be done.” This is what must be done.

Aποστρατιωτικοποιημένη Λευκωσία…askersiz Lefkoşa

Πρωτοβουλία για την αποστρατιωτικοποίηση της εντός των τειχών Λευκωσίας και άνοιγμα του οδοφράγματος Αμμοχώστου (παρά το γήπεδο Ορφέα)

Η Λευκωσία, ιδιαίτερα η εντός των τειχών πόλη, είναι εκεί όπου οι Κύπριοι ζουν στο εγγύτερο προς τη διαχωριστική γραμμή του νησιού σημείο. Συνεπώς, στην Λευκωσία οι ένοπλες δυνάμεις των δύο πλευρών βρίσκονται στη μεγαλύτερη εγγύτητα μεταξύ τους. Αυτή είναι η μόνη περιοχή όπου σε ορισμένα σημεία τον περισσότερο χρόνο δεκαοκτάχρονοι εκτελούν υπηρεσία παραταγμένοι ο ένας απέναντι στον άλλον κατά μήκος του δρόμου που αποτελεί την διαχωριστική γραμμή.

Γι’ αυτό, η αποστρατιωτικοποίηση της Λευκωσίας θα ήταν το πρώτο και σημαντικό βήμα για την αποστρατιωτικοποίηση ολόκληρου του νησιού. Η αποστρατιωτικοποίηση της Λευκωσίας μπορεί επίσης να είναι η αρχή μιας διαδικασίας επανένωσης της πόλης αρχικά και ολόκληρου του νησιού αργότερα. Πέρα όμως από την αξία που έχει ως βήμα ειρήνης και επαναπροσέγγισης από μόνη της, μπορεί να φέρει και ένα καινούργιο σπρώξιμο στην υφιστάμενη διαδικασία των συνομιλιών για την λύση. Η αποστρατιωτικοποίηση της Λευκωσίας μπορεί να είναι το πρώτο χειροπιαστό μέτρο όπου τα «αδύνατα» μετατρέπονται σε «δυνατά»…

Παράλληλα, το άνοιγμα ενός ακόμα σημείου διέλευσης στην ανατολική πλευρά της πόλης, περιοχή στην οποία δεν υπάρχει κανένα σημείο διέλευσης αυτή τη στιγμή, θα μπορούσε και αυτό, με τη σειρά του, να συμβάλει ουσιαστικά στην οικοδόμηση της εμπιστοσύνης μεταξύ των κοινοτήτων.

Τα ευεργετικά αποτελέσματα του ανοίγματος του οδοφράγματος της Λήδρας στην επαναπροσέγγιση και στην πόλη μας γενικά , είναι πλέον εμφανή σε όλους. Ζητούμε τη συνέχιση και την εμβάθυνση στη διευκόλυνση των δικοινοτικών επαφών και θεωρούμε το άνοιγμα του οδοφράγματος Αμμοχώστου, μεταξύ γηπέδου Ορφέα και Γυμνασίου Παλλουριώτισσας, σημαντικό βήμα προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση.

Με αυτό το σκεπτικό καλούμε σε μια κοινή εκδήλωση – κινητοποίηση ένθεν και ένθεν του οδοφράγματος στις 19 του Φεβράρη 2011.

Συγκέντρωση στις 14.30 μέσα στο Πάρκο του Ορφέα / Χρυσαλινιώτισσας.



Initiative for the demilitarisation of Nicosia within the walls and opening of Famagusta check point (next to Orpheas stadium)

Nicosia, especially the walled-city of Nicosia is where the dividing line of Cyprus and Cypriots has the most proximity. This also means that the armed forces of the two sides have the most proximity to each other in Nicosia. This is the only area where most of the time, in some spots, 18 year old kids are on duty, seeing each other across a road on the dividing line.

That’s why the demilitarization of Nicosia would be the first and an important step for the demilitarization of the whole island. The demilitarization of Nicosia would start the process of reuniting the city first, and then the whole island. Beyond the value it has in itself as a peace and reconciliation step, the demilitarization of Nicosia could also bring a new push towards the existing negotiation process for the solution. The demilitarization of Nicosia could be the first concrete measure where the ‘impossibles’ could be turned into ‘possibilities’…

In parallel, opening one more crossing point in the eastern side of the city, where there is currently none, could also in its turn contribute significantly to the building of trust among the communities.

The beneficial results of the opening of the Ledras Street – Lokmaci check point for rapprochement and for our city in general, are now obvious to everybody. We demand the continuation and the deepening of the facilitation of bi-communal contacts and we consider the opening of the check point of Famagusta, between Orpheas stadium and Pallouriotissa Gymnasium, an important step in this direction.

In this context we call for a common event – mobilisation on both sides of the check point on 19th February 2011.

Gathering place inside Orpheas’ / Chrysaliniotissa Park, at 14.30.



Το Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο για την Αντίρρηση Συνείδησης, καλεί όλους να συμμετέχουν, να στηρίξουν, να σταθούν αλληλέγγυοι και να προωθήσουν την δράση των Κύπριων ακτιβιστών και από τις δυο πλευρές του συρματομπλέγματος για την αποστρατικοποίηση της Λευκωσίας και την επανένωση της Κύπρου


European Bureau for Conscientious Objection

61, rue Henri Stacquet, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 2 230 6813 / Fax: +32 2 245 6297

E-mail: / Website:

Brussels, 16 February 2011


EBCO supports actions in both sides of Nicosia on February 19th for demilitarisation of Nicosia and reunification of Cyprus

Once again we’re on the streets for a demilitarised Nicosia…

for a Nicosia with no barbed wires, no borders going through it

no tanks,

no guns,

for a Nicosia with no hostility…

in this divided city

to trust; to be able to trust

to say “stop!” to chauvinism

we’re on the streets for a demilitarised Nicosia…

for no more dead-end streets

where children should play…

for no more young people having to guard

behind sandbags

sometimes positioned so close that only a road separates them

looking at each other and learning to hate…

for gun-wounded houses and shops that are a memory of the war to find life again

for the buffer zone dividing Cyprus, to become a space that unites…

we’re on the streets for a demilitarised Nicosia:

– meeting at Caglayan Park, at 15:00 on February 19th

– meeting inside Orpheas / Chrysaliniotissa Park, at 14.30 on February 19th

and marching in parallel towards the barbed wires that divide us and divide Cyprus.

our demand is demilitarisation of Nicosia, demilitarisation from all military units.

join us to make a demilitarised Nicosia and a reunified Cyprus possible…

EBCO calls you to:

  • join the actions in Nicosia, Cyprus, on February 19th or make your own action in your country, at the embassy or wherever, holding the attached poster, which includes both posters of the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot activists;
  • change your profile photo on facebook with the attached poster and write on your wall “I support the demilitarisation of Nicosia and the reunification of Cyprus” adding the text of the Cypriot activists;
  • spread the message!

EBCO was founded in 1979 as an umbrella structure for national associations of conscientious objectors to promote the right to conscientious objection to preparations for, and participation in, war and any other type of military activity as a fundamental human right, on both a national and an international level. EBCO enjoys participatory status with the Council of Europe.


CRITICAL MASS Bicycle Ride – Ποδηλατοπορεία

Ποδηλατοπορεία κατά των συνόρων και των στρατών στην πόλη μας.
Θα τερματίσουμε σε εκδήλωση που θα πραγματοποιείται και από τις δύο μεριές της “πράσινης γραμμής”.
Να επαναδιεκδικήσουμε ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΗ την πόλη.
Στο δρόμο ξανά.

Σάββατο 19/2 Πλ. Ελευθερίας 13.00-15.00 μ.μ.

Saturday, February 19 · 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Nicosia, Eleftheria square

Bicycle ride against the borders and armies in our town.
We will end at a protest that will be happening on both sides of the “green line”.

Reclaim the WHOLE town.
To the streets again.

Turkish Cypriots’ Winter of Discontent: A Reaction to Austerity Measures or More?

This article was triggered by a question a Greek Cypriot friend posed to me about a month ago: “What is going on in the North? Are we going for a repetition of 2002-2004?”. This question implies that the current discontent amounts to something more than Turkish Cypriots’ reaction to austerity measures imposed by Turkey and furthermore it can be channeled towards a mobilization aiming a settlement of the Cyprus problem. I will try to provide an answer to the question above by analysing the current situation through comparing it with the mobilizations of 2002-2004 that culminated in a predominant “yes” vote to the Annan plan.

In a way the current discontent can be resembled to mobilizations of 2002-2003. In both cases the trigger turned out to be economic reasons. Today the people are out in the streets in order to protest the austerity package that Turkish government is imposing on the Turkish Cypriots. Turkey is no more willing to pick up the bill of an unsustainable economic structure which herself created in order to keep a loyal political elite in power. The austerity package that Turkish government is pushing for entails the privatization of state economic enterprises including some strategic sectors such as electricity and telephone services, the supression of wages of public workers and levying a tax on pensions.

Similarly, the discontent of the early 2000s had started following the banking crisis in December 1999 that led to six banks coming  under government control. Later, four of these banks were closed by the decision of the Council of Ministers. Following the banking crisis Prime Minister Derviş Eroğlu’s government sought financial aid from Turkey. Yet Turkey was not willing to provide unconditional support, instead she imposed an economic austerity package that met widespread resistance on the part of opposition parties, trade unions, as well the business community. As a result of this opposition, the government could not implement the package which led to a shortage of funds. The consecutive delay in the payment of salaries in the public sector and the suspension of payment of compensation to the victims of the banking crisis contributed to the increasing discontent within the Turkish Cypriot community.

Turkey chose deliberately not to bear Turkish Cypriot costs in 2000. A year later when the financial crisis hit the Turkish economy, it became unable to do so. The combined effect of 1999 banking crisis in the North Cyprus and 2001 financial crisis in Turkey turned out to be diminished possibilities for the Turkish Cypriot government to contain discontent through the traditional instruments of patronage and clientalism. This inability on the part of the government brought forth a significant attitudinal change towards the settlement of the Cyprus problem and the EU on the part of the Turkish Cypriots. In an environment where the  economic crises  not only curbed the distributive capacity of the state, but also generated social unrest,  the Annan Plan with its prospect of immediate membership in the EU constituted a promising alternative for a new, concrete social project to replace the defunct politico-economic structure.

I believe the main difference today is this lack of a promising alternative for a new, concrete social project that manifested itself as a political settlement and consecutive EU membership in the first half of the 2000s. Turkish Cypriots’ dissillusionment with the peace process and the widespread belief that the Greek Cypriots are not interested in a solution other than granting them a minority status in the Republic of Cyprus coupled with their dissappointment with the existing parties on the Left had led to a prevailing state of lethargy. Only recently this lethargy gave way to a mobilization that gained momentum thanks to Turkish Prime minister’s insulting remarks resembling Turkish Cypriots to handmaids of Turkey. Turkey’s replacing its ambassador in Lefkoşa with a controversial figure who made similar insulting remarks about Turkish Cypriots even before the prime minister is further likely to increase the tension between the Turkish Cypriots and Turkey.

Yet the question that needs to be asked is what will this mobilization- that is motivated by Turkish Cypriots’ reaction against the austerity measures as well as the North’s dependency on Turkey- lead to? Is there a potential to channel this discontent into an overall disillusionment with the system in a way to contribute to a reunification of the island? Of course it is never possible to guess the course of social events due to contingencies, yet we can observe that certain factors that were existent in the first half of the 2000s is not there anymore. There was more of an optimism prevailing within the Turkish Cypriot community regarding the positions of different parties to the conflict; Republic of Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, US. It was believed that 2004 was a historic moment in terms of bringing so many rare factors together. Nowadays though there is no such optimism. Secondly, there is a disillusionment regarding left wing parties and in specific CTP which carried out neo-liberal economic policies during its rule. TDP’s recent willingness to become a coalition partner of UBP was interpreted as TDP not minding to be an accomplice of the UBP in implementing austerity measures for the sake of few ministries. So the question that is widely asked is what would be the political strategy pursued and who within these circumstances, could be the potential actors that will carry out these strategies?

This is still an evolving and an ongoing process so I do not want to conclude this essay with some determinate answers.  I just want to reiterate that even though there is a potential to transform this economic discontent into a more fundamental discontent that challenges the regime in the North, there are real issues regarding actors that can implement political strategies, and the position of  external actors such as the Republic of Cyprus.  Unless another rare coming together of positive factors materialize, it is highly unlikely that these latest demonstrations will lead to a transcending of the division of the island.


Πλατφόρμα Ε/κ και Τ/κ Εκπαιδευτικών “Ενωμένη Κύπρος”

Ελληνοκυπριακό Τμήμα


Σάββατο 12/02/2011 – 11:00 πμ

Λευκωσία – Τέρμα Λήδρας

Οι Τουρκοκύπριοι συμπατριώτες μας συνεχίζουν με λαϊκές κινητοποιήσεις την αντίσταση στην υφιστάμενη σχέση τους με την Τουρκία και στις προκλητικές δηλώσεις του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν. Η ατμόσφαιρα μυρίζει 2003 και θυμίζει το σφάλμα της δικής μας πλευράς που δεν αγκάλιασε έμπρακτα τις τότε κινητοποιήσεις, αφήνοντας έτσι μια ευκαιρία δημιουργίας δυναμικής για λύση να πάει χαμένη. Η δεύτερη ευκαιρία έχει φτάσει και όπως η ιστορία δείχνει, απαιτείται όχι απλά λεκτική υποστήριξη, αλλά και έντονη και αποφασιστική δράση μέσα στη κοινωνία, η οποία να περνά ξεκάθαρα το μήνυμα πως ενωμένοι και αλληλέγγυοι Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι μπορούν να υπάρξουν και να ζήσουν με αξιοπρέπεια στη κοινή πατρίδα. Η ώρα να βγούμε στους δρόμους και να διαμηνύσουμε προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις ότι με πράξεις στεκόμαστε δίπλα στους διαδηλωτές, έχει φτάσει και δεν θα περιμένει. Φτάνουν τα τερτίπια με το χρόνο. Τώρα είναι η ώρα της άρνησης της διχοτόμησης. Τώρα είναι η ώρα της λύσης.

Εμπρός λοιπόν στους δρόμους

Για να περάσει ένα ηχηρό μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης.

Για τη δημιουργία κοινού μετώπου δράσης.

Για την επανένωση της Κύπρου.

Για να μην χαθεί ακόμα μια ευκαιρία.


Kıbrıslı Rum ve Kıbrıslı Türk Öğretmenler Platformu,
Kıbrıslı Rum Bölümü

Protesto ve Dayanışma Buluşması
12/02/2011, Cumartesi – 11.00

Kıbrıslı Türk yoldaşlarımız Türkiye ile var olan ilişkilere karşı koymaya ve Tayyip Erdoğan’ın provokatif açıklamalarını protesto etmeye devam etmektedirler. Ortam 2003 yılını andırırken, diğer yandan bizim tarafımızda hareketlenememe hatasını hatırlatmaktayız, böylece çözüm olanağı elimizden kaçmıştı. Şimdi ise ikinci bir fırsat doğmuştur ve tarihin de bize daha önce gösterdiği gibi sadece sözlü destek değil, toplumda Kıbrıslı Rum ve Kıbrıslı Türklerin birlikte haysiyetle ortak bir vatanda yaşayabileceklerini birlikte açıkça dile getirmeli ve bunun için kuvvetli bir şekilde harekete geçilmelidir. Şimdi sokağa çıkma zamanıdır, baş kaldırıların yanında olduğumuzu gösterme zamanıdır. Zamanla artık oynamak yok. Şimdi bölünmüşlüğe karşı gelmenin zamanıdır. Şimdi çözüm zamanıdır.

Dayanışma mesajımızı güçlü bir şekilde duyurmak için
Ortak bir cehpe yaratmak için
Kıbrıs’ı birleştirmek için
Yeniden bir fırsatı elimizden kaçırmamak için

Haydi sokağa çıkalım!

(Çeviri: KTOEÖS)


G/C and T/C Teachers’ Platform United Cyprus, G/C section

Protest and solidarity gathering

Saturday 12/02/2011 – 11.00 am

Our Turkish Cypriot compatriots continue with their popular protests the resistance to their current relation with Turkey and to the provocative statements by Tayip Ertogan. The atmosphere smells 2003 and reminds us the error of our side that did not embrace in practice the mobilisation then, thus leaving an opportunity to create a solution dynamic to pass away. The second chance has arrived and as history shows, we need not just verbal support but intense and clear action in society that clearly sends the message that united and in solidarity Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots can coexist and live with dignity in their common country. The time to get out in the streets and send the message to all directions that with our actions, we stand by the protesters, has come and it will not wait. No more games with time. Now is the time to refuse partition. Now is the time for the solution.

Let us get into the streets
to send a strong message of solidarity
to create a common front of action
to reunite Cyprus
to not miss another chance.!/event.php?eid=169056816474328

Limassol Civil Initiative “Solution – Reunification – Peace” Press release

The Limassol Civil Initiative “Solution – Reunification – Peace” welcomes with great pleasure and satisfaction, the personal interest shown by the Secretary General of the United Nations, in achieving progress at the ongoing negotiations on the Cyprus issue. Last January, the personal intervention of the Secretary General helped in making what can be characterized as  the most important step forward in the history of the Cyprus Problem  since 1974:  the  substantial agreement reached on the crucial chapter of governance. At the same time he helped in the two parties continuing  the talks with renewed potential that produced an  agreement on the chapters of the Economy and the EU relations. The  Limassol Civil  Initiative, together with the Bi-communal Peace Initiative “United Cyprus” , mobilized people to  warmly welcome the Secretary General in Cyprus.  The UN Secretary General in his subsequent statements expressed appreciation  for the mobilization of the ordinary people on both sides, for  ‘Solution Now’ and stated  that that created a greater responsibility for him to do everything necessary to reach a solution on the Cyprus question the soonest.  We welcome again his  intervention in the negotiation process and express the  wish that this  will produce tangible results.

The agreement on the issue of Governance last January was achieved within a barrage of negative rhetoric from the forces that fight the prospect of a solution. The same policy of “barren land” is applied again, starting with the provocative attack on Mr. Downer, with the obvious aim to undermine any prospect of progress at the negotiations and to achieve the collapse of the talks.  At the same time they are attempting to discredit what has been agreed so far, with the aim of undermining any possibility of success at a possible new referendum.

How conditions will be without a Solution is commonly understood. The Turkish Troops will remain as a permanent force on the island while the North will gradually be transformed in a Taiwan type of state. The attacks in the streets against Turkish Cypriots and foreigners, will become   a daily phenomenon. The organized attack on the Rainbow Festival in Larnaca and the racist attacks in recent days in Nicosia are not isolated incidents. They are the result of the rise of nationalism and racism cultivated by the same circles and supported politically by the forces opposing a Solution. Without the prospect of a solution within sight, and as a result of the economic crisis and the rising unemployment, nationalism, racism, intolerance and xenophobia, can “spread like cholera.” Our land will gradually transform into an island of hatred and racial conflict, if we, the civil society do not take a stance, do not support the prospect of a solution, do not support peaceful coexistence and multiculturalism, do not properly inform people, and thus become  an obstacle to its treacherous propaganda of intolerance and nationalism.

We look forward to a fruitful meeting in New York on November 18th that will push things a step further. We express our strong support to the negotiation process, and we welcome all efforts for progress. We call on civil society to raise its voice high, to be heard louder than those who want to lead this island back to the misery of its past. We will not allow our society to slide back into the vicious circle of violence. With courage and confidence we will build the peaceful future of Cyprus.

Limassol 17th November,  2010

Η δικοινοτική πλατφόρμα εκπαιδευτικών Ενωμένη Κύπρος κλείνει 6 χρόνια ζωής – The bi-communal teachers’ platform United Cyprus becomes six years old

Η πλατφόρμα εκπαιδευτικών συνεχίζει με πείσμα την αντι-εθνικιστική, επαναπροσεγγιστική και επανενωτική της δράση. Προχθές το σάββατο διοργάνωσε δικοινοτική εκδήλωση στο τέρμα της Λήδρας με τίτλο “όχι στο σχολείο της διχοτόμησης – ναι στο σχολείο της συμφιλίωσης”. Εν τω μεταξύ το ε/κ της τμήμα προχώρησε στην 14η έκδοση του εντύπου “Το Καλέμι”. Η πλατφόρμα εκπαιδευτικών έκλεισε 6 χρόνια ζωής και το Καλέμι μπάινει στον τρίτο του χρόνο.

εδώ στην ιστοσελίδα του ε/κ τμήματος της Πλατφόρμας θα βρείτε τα 14 καλέμια μαζί με τα δυο μεγάλα έκτακτα που εκδόθηκαν τον Σεπτέμβρη του 2009 και τον Γενάρη του 2010

The teachers’ platform continues stubbornly its anti-nationalist, rapproachment and reunification action. Last Saturday it organised a bi-communal event at the end of Ledra Street entitled “No to the school of partition – Yes to the school of reconciliation”. Meanwhile its g/c section proceeded to the 14th edition of its magazine “To Kalemi”. The teachers’ platform is now six years old while To Kalemi enters its 3rd year.

here in the blog of the g/c section of the Platform you can find the 14 issues of To Kalemi along with the two big special editions that were issued on September 2009 and January 2010

Do Greek-Cypriots want Reunification? A critical Response to Yiannis Papadakis

Do Greek-Cypriots really want Reunification?

Are Greek-Cypriots negotiating for things they do not really want?, asks Yiannis Papadakis, in a recently published controversial article. [I have included this at the end of this short note, so that those who can read Greek can refresh their memory [if they had seen it in the Greek-Cypriot press]. I intend to address some of the questions raised in Papadakis article in English, so that our Turkish-Cypriot friends can follow the debate. I take Ahmet Ann’s point seriously: do we really want to engage with our Turkish-Cypriot comrades and compatriots, or do we just want them to meet us in the street when we are demonstrating for a solution? I am one who strongly advocates engagement and debate.

I disagree with Papadakis conclusion and I consider the approach of this paper problematic. However, I very much appreciate his good intentions and the necessity to properly engage in a debate. I therefore welcome the challenge as a great opportunity for debate.

Papadakis’ argument

The gist of Papadakis argument is set out in the end of his article, where he concludes that ‘deep down’ Greek-Cypriots prefer partition for each of the two communities to have maximum autonomy but with territorial adjustment and substantial damages, but they cannot openly admit it even in opinion polls for 3 reasons:
1. Because partition was Denktash’s line and the automatic reaction was reunification.
2. Since 2002 by default Greek-Cypriots have now experienced in practice want as bizonal, bicommunal federation (BBF) which is not accepted but cannot be articulated openly.
3. With the opening of the checkpoints many elderly Greek-Cypriots have realised that they are not interested in returning under Turkish-Cypriot administration s they have changed, the places have changed and the youth are not interested. The slogan ‘all refugees must go to their homes’ is longer valid but cannot be openly articulated.

Argument 1: Cypriot society remains higly polarised
My first argument is that Cypriot society remains higly polarised, both Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot society. I am not the same as Christos Clerides; we come from a different political universe; we see the world completely differently; I am closer to like-minded Turkish-Cypriots than to anti-solution Greek-Cypriots. So to place me in the same category is simply wrong. In fact, Yiannis himself I think knows better – if one looks at his great work from his PhD right through or his book or any of his articles, one can see the nuanced analytical categories, he himself has helped established in academic and research debates in Cyprus. Thus the category ‘Greek-Cypriots’ must be seriously unpacked. I quote from his PhD dissertation as I think that he has one of the most important analytical readings of the past, which actually defines who ‘We’ are. Essentially, I am arguing that the ‘We’ category is an extension of the ‘we’ construct the past and this construction has been ‘refined’ and ruptured since 2004. He claims in his PhD dissertation:
“This work presents an attempt to synthesize these two approaches, namely the historicization of the ethnographic present and the uses of the past. On the one hand, I try to show how there is room for different interpretations of the past, whether these arise rather ‘spontaneously’ from the different ‘experiences’ that different positions in society can give rise to, or whether these are better thought of as ‘constructions’ that could be an outcome of a group’s effort to promote its current economic or political interests (which when pushed to extremes may verge upon ‘propaganda’). Indeed, ‘propaganda’ is most effective when it is based on past experience and is linked to some real collective struggle or fears, however much it may also specifically promote a certain group’s interests. By linking these to structural variables and constraints, I try to indicate and explain the predominance of certain interpretations.”

In fact the joke by which he starts his dissertation, by George Mikes, the famous satirical writer, who included Cyprus in his series of travelogues, is more than a joke; it reflect the extension of the ‘We’ into the present:
“Here in the water they leave you alone. But you are well aware that outside there are six hundred thousand Cypriots – 82% Greeks and 18% Turks – who are all eager and determined to explain the Cyprus problem to you. You close your eyes and shudder in the sunshine: you know there is no getting away from them. They will explain it to you. (1965:99)”

Argument 2: Who is hegemonic now?
My second argument is that Papadakis is only right if he is referring to an identifiable 20% of the Greek-Cypriot population, who can become hegemonic, if they have the power of the state and support of the media etc but they are not hegemonic at the moment. The late Papadopoulos was a chief advocate of this logic, but he lost the 2008 elections. If there is a collapse of the talks and this initiative fails again, it is possible there this block can become hegemonic. In fact, Nicos Anastasiades, who would prefer a BBF and had for a decade offered consistent support of this is now twisting and turning, essentially saying “if this fails, let’s try something else and if and when I am president in 2013”. Her subliminally send the messages to Eroglu and Greek-Cypriot society that he will precisely do what Papadakis is saying Greek-Cypriots really want. But this is not the case at the moment: we are in 2010 and there is a process at the moment which makes rejectionists, nationalists etc go mad: they see this as undermining everything Papadopoulos did. Despite the difficulties Christofias is facing, mostly as a result of his alliance with those who do not want a solution, he represents what he was elected to do: he has a mandate to achieve a BBF and he has come a long way. Some say that he has run out of steam and that meeting Eroglu on the other side will put the whole thing to a test. We need to see the end of this and not rush into conclusions now.

Argument 3: We are all tired of the unrealistic slogan; thus this strengthens the potential for BBF
My third argument is that precisely because many people are tired of the old unrealistic arguments we have more chance now than we ever did for reunification. Some say ‘I am sick of this, let’s get it over and done with’, other just don’t bother with it; others are shouting as loud as they can to spoil it. Look at the decision of DIKO: it has decided that the property package of Christofias is not even a basis of negotiation! They think that the negotiations are between Greek-Cypriots! But this is DIKO i.e. 12% of the Greek-Cypriots but even within this, they will not follow what Caroyan will say.

Argument 4: Misplaced Why concede now when the Eroglu accepted how to share power in BBF as agreed with Talat?
My final argument is that the whole logic that is advocated is misplaced and irrelevant now: (a) For the first time ever a Greek-Cypriot and a Turkish-Cypriot leader have agreed how to share power in a BBF, and have essentially closed the most difficult chapter i.e. how to share the state they have been fighting over for 50 years. And,
(b) This was accepted by Eroglu, one of the arch-critics of this logic,
Then, why are we questioning it now? It makes no sense.
Yes, there are some people who prefer partition, but why concede to them, especially now? I really don’t see the tactical or other advantage of accepting such a logic.

In conclusion, I would say over the last years i.e. since 2008 we have a paradigm shift taking place; it is make or break now. After this initiative, things will not be the same in Cyprus.

Μήπως η ελληνοκυπριακή πλευρά διαπραγματεύεται για πράγματα που δεν θέλει τελικά;

Γιάννης Παπαδάκης
Κοινωνικός Ανθρωπολόγος, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου

Η ελληνοκυπριακή πλευρά διαχρονικά επιμένει στην επανένωση σε μια ομοσπονδία με ισχυρή κεντρική κυβέρνηση. Είναι αυτό που πραγματικά όμως θέλουν σήμερα οι Ελληνοκύπριοι; Πιστεύω πως όχι και η άποψη αυτή βασίζεται σε μια σειρά από συλλογισμούς κυρίως παρά σε εμπειρικά δεδομένα, χωρίς αυτοί να αποτελούν ατράνταχτα επιχειρήματα αλλά τροφή για σκέψη.

Από τη μια, οι Ελληνοκύπριοι επιζητούν μια ομοσπονδία με όσο το δυνατόν ισχυρότερη κεντρική κυβέρνηση (αντί της περισσότερης δυνατής αυτονομίας στα συνιστούντα κρατίδια), ενώ από την άλλη φοβούνται την επιρροή που θα έχει η άλλη κοινότητα στη δική τους ζωή. Αυτή είναι η βασικότερη αντίφαση της ελληνοκυπριακής πολιτικής σκέψης. Όσο πιο ισχυρή θα είναι η κεντρική κυβέρνηση, τόσο περισσότερο λέγειν δίνεται στους Τουρκοκύπριους όσον αφορά τη ζωή των Ελληνοκύπριων, και αντίστροφα. Πιστεύω ότι ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους φόβους των Ελληνοκυπρίων είναι να χάσουν την αυτονομία τους και να ενταχθούν σε ένα σύστημα «συναποφασίζειν». Για ποιους λόγους; Πρώτον, αυτό μπορεί και να είναι μια καθ’ όλα λογική πολιτική επιλογή: προτιμώ να είμαι αυτόνομος και κύριος του εαυτού μου. (Με το κόστος που αυτή η επιλογή συνεπάγεται.) Δεύτερον, οι Τουρκοκύπριοι στην πράξη αποτελούν ένα άγνωστο στοιχείο για την πλειονότητα των Ελληνοκύπριων εφόσον από το 1963, εδώ δηλαδή και σχεδόν μισό αιώνα, υπήρξε διαχωρισμός, αποτέλεσμα μάλιστα αιματηρών συγκρούσεων που διάρκεσαν για χρόνια και αναπόφευκτα δημιούργησαν εχθρικά συναισθήματα. Τρίτον, όλες οι ελληνοκυπριακές ηγεσίες και κόμματα παρουσιάζουν τους Τουρκοκύπριους ως να μην εκφράζουν ποτέ αυτόνομη πολιτική βούληση και ως υποχείρια της Τουρκίας. Υπάρχει φυσικά το επιχείρημα ότι αυτό θα αλλάξει με μια λύση, αλλά αυτό είναι ένα υποθετικό σενάριο που πολύ δύσκολα αντιστρέφει μια στάση βαθιά εμπεδωμένη εδώ και δεκαετίες. Η παρουσία δε κάποιων δεκάδων χιλιάδων εποίκων σε περίπτωση λύσης ενδυναμώνει το φόβο περί λήψης, ή έστω επιβολής, αποφάσεων από την Άγκυρα. Είναι ενδεικτικό, για παράδειγμα, ότι το 90% των Ελληνοκυπρίων εξέφρασε έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης στον τότε ηγέτη των Τουρκοκυπρίων, Μεχμέτ Αλί Ταλάτ (Κύπρος 2015, Ρεαλιστικά μιλώντας, δύσκολα μπορεί να φανταστεί κάποιος ένα τουρκοκύπριο πολιτικό με μαζική απήχηση περισσότερο διαλλακτικό από τον Ταλάτ. Ένα αντεπιχείρημα στα πιο πάνω είναι η ελληνοκυπριακή άποψη που συνεχώς ακούγεται ότι «ζούσαμε αρμονικά στο παρελθόν», το οποίο θα συζητήσω μετέπειτα.

Επιπλέον, υπάρχουν δυο βασικοί λόγοι για τους οποίους ένα σύστημα «πολιτικής ισότητας» ή «συναποφασίζειν» (σε περιορισμένα έστω, αλλά καίρια ζητήματα) θεωρείται άδικο από πολλούς Ελληνοκύπριους. Πρώτον, καταργεί το σύστημα «ένα άτομο, μια ψήφος» που για τους πλείστους Ελληνοκύπριους αποτελεί μια μορφή «φυσικής» δημοκρατίας, εφόσον αυτήν γνωρίζουν. Το επιχείρημα ότι αυτό το πολίτευμα θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει μορφή δικτατορίας της πλειοψηφίας στη μειοψηφία, ή η ήδη υπάρχουσα πολιτική εμπειρία στην ΕΕ (όπου για σοβαρά θέματα η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία έχει βέτο ενώ πληθυσμιακά αποτελεί το 0.18% της ΕΕ) δεν φαίνεται να λαμβάνονται υπ’ όψη. Πιστεύω ότι ένας λόγος που τέτοια επιχειρήματα δεν έχουν απήχηση είναι μια βαθιά εδραιωμένη στάση πολλών Ελληνοκυπρίων που θεωρεί την Κύπρο ως ένα ιστορικά αμιγώς ελληνικό νησί, και τους Τουρκοκύπριους ως εξωγενές στοιχείο αποτέλεσμα της «Τουρκοκρατίας», αποτέλεσμα δηλαδή μιας ιστορικής αδικίας που τους καθιστά «υπολείμματα ξένων κατακτητών». Σύμφωνα με αυτή τη λογική «γιατί να έχουν και λόγο αυτοί που δεν έπρεπε καν να βρίσκονται εδώ;» Πολιτικοί όλων των κομμάτων, πολίτες, ΜΜΕ και σχολικά βιβλία ιστορίας χρησιμοποιούν συνεχώς τη λέξη «Κύπριοι» ως ταυτόσημη με την έννοια «Ελληνοκύπριοι», υποβάλλοντας καθημερινά τη θέση ότι οι Τουρκοκύπριοι δεν είναι Κύπριοι και δεν ανήκουν στην Κύπρο.

Αυτό αποτελεί και ένδειξη της απουσίας μιας κοινής συνείδησης στην οποία θα μπορούσε να βασιστεί η όποια «επανένωση». Το θέμα είναι ότι η έννοια «επανένωση» είχε για τους πλείστους Ελληνοκύπριους σαφές λανθάνον περιεχόμενο. Κατά τη γνώμη μου, για τους Ελληνοκύπριους «επανένωση» σήμαινε βασικά «επιστροφή των προσφύγων/ ανάκτηση των κατεχομένων χωριών, σπιτιών, περιουσιών κλπ.» και δεν αναφερόταν στους Τουρκοκύπριους. Η «επανένωση» εξέφραζε μια ασαφή ιδέα όπου επιστρέφουν οι Ελληνοκύπριοι στα σπίτια τους και οι Τουρκοκύπριοι στα δικά τους και τα πράγματα προχωρούν όπως πριν. Αυτό το «πριν» ήταν και πάλι ασαφές – πριν το 1963 όπως στο κράτος της Ζυρίχης με το δικαίωμα βέτο του τουρκοκύπριου αντιπροέδρου; Η συνειδητοποίηση ότι η επανένωση θα έχει ένα σαφές πολιτικό περιεχόμενο ομοσπονδίας με πολιτική ισότητα κ.λ.π. ήρθε σχετικά πρόσφατα με τα διάφορα λεπτομερή σχέδια, και ήταν μια ιδιαίτερα τραυματική εμπειρία. Στην πράξη οι περισσότεροι Ελληνοκύπριοι κυριολεκτικά δεν ήθελαν να ακούσουν για τις πολιτικές προεκτάσεις της «επανένωσης», εξού και καμιά κυβέρνηση δεν τολμούσε καν να ενημερώσει για το περιεχόμενο της έννοιας «διζωνική, δικοινοτική ομοσπονδία με πολιτική ισότητα…» εδώ και 33 χρόνια, με εξαίρεση την παρούσα με την έκδοση ενός φυλλαδίου.

«Ζούσαμε αρμονικά στο παρελθόν»; Πότε έζησαν αρμονικά οι δυο κοινότητες εντός ζώσας μνήμης; Από το 1960 ως το 1963; Πριν το 1955; Όταν βρίσκονταν και οι δυο κάτω από το ζυγό ενός αποικιοκράτη; Λέγοντας «ζούσαμε αρμονικά στο παρελθόν» αυτό που εννοούν οι πλείστοι Ελληνοκύπριοι είναι ότι θέλουμε να ζήσουμε σε μια επανενωμένη Κύπρο, με την έννοια της «επανένωσης» όπως την εξήγησα πιο πάνω.

Δεν υπάρχουν σήμερα οι συνθήκες ρεαλιστικής επανένωσης ούτε στο συνειδησιακό επίπεδο, ούτε στο πολιτικό, αλλά ούτε πιστεύω και στο γεωγραφικό με την έννοια της ανάμιξης των πληθυσμών. Η άλλη πλευρά για τους νέους αποτελεί ακριβώς αυτό, «μια άλλη πλευρά» με την οποία ελάχιστα συνδέονται, ενώ για τους μεγαλύτερους πιστεύω ότι δεν θα επιθυμούσαν να εκτοπιστούν ξανά ζώντας διάσπαρτοι, μακριά από οικείους, παιδιά και φίλους μεταξύ των Τουρκοκυπρίων. Σύμφωνα με τη δημοσκόπηση (Κύπρος 2015), το 73% των Ελληνοκυπρίων δεν θα επέστρεφε υπό τουρκοκυπριακή διοίκηση. Είναι σημαντικό ότι οι νέοι δείχνουν την πιο αρνητική στάση όχι μόνο στο θέμα επιστροφής ακόμα και κάτω από ελληνοκυπριακή διοίκηση, αλλά και όσον αφορά την επανένωση, εκφράζοντας την πιο αρνητική πρόθεση ψήφου σε οποιοδήποτε σχέδιο προταθεί. Αν οι νέοι εκπροσωπούν και το μέλλον, οι ενδείξεις δεν είναι θετικές.

Το βασικό επιχείρημα του κειμένου αυτού είναι ότι πιθανόν να υπάρχουν κάποια ουσιαστικά «θέλω» (και ιδίως «δεν θέλω») τα οποία δεν μπορούν να εκφραστούν δημόσια στην ελληνοκυπριακή πλευρά, και ούτε είναι εύκολο να αποτυπωθούν σε δημοσκοπήσεις. Το ερώτημα είναι γιατί; Πρώτον, διότι η διχοτόμηση ήταν ο απεχθής για τους Ελληνοκύπριους στόχος του Ντενκτάς, τον οποίο σχεδόν ενστικτωδώς ο κάθε Ελληνοκύπριος απορρίπτει αντιπροτάσσοντας την «επανένωση». Δεύτερον, διότι, θέλοντας και μη από το 2002, οι Ελληνοκύπριοι ήρθαν αντιμέτωποι με το τι μπορεί να σημαίνει στην πράξη η «διζωνική, δικοινοτική ομοσπονδία με πολιτική ισότητα…» αλλά για τους λόγους που εξήγησα δεν γίνεται ευρέως αποδεκτή χωρίς αυτό να μπορεί να λεχθεί ανοικτά, ενώ συζητείται συχνότατα πλέον κατ’ ιδίαν. Τρίτον, γιατί με το άνοιγμα των οδοφραγμάτων οι ηλικιωμένοι αντιλήφθηκαν ότι δεν νοείται πια επιστροφή υπό τουρκοκυπριακή διοίκηση, πως ούτως ή άλλως έχουν αλλάξει και οι ίδιοι και οι τόποι, και οι νέοι απλά δεν ενδιαφέρονται – άρα ο στόχος «όλοι οι πρόσφυγες στα σπίτια τους» μπορεί στις δεδομένες πολιτικές πραγματικότητες να μην είναι πια αποδεκτός, κάτι και πάλι δύσκολο να λεχθεί.

Η επιλογή που πιστεύω ότι κατά βάθος προτιμούν οι περισσότεροι Ελληνοκύπριοι, είναι μια λύση διαχωριστική: η κάθε κοινότητα όσο πιο αυτόνομη γίνεται στη δική της πλευρά, με εδαφικές όμως αναπροσαρμογές και ουσιαστικές αποζημιώσεις.